Well, whoever thought one year later this little blog would still be around? Yes, that's right: today, 2 January 2011, is the one year anniversary of this little blog called FigureOneThreeFive (or simply F135)!
And we owe it all to you: the reader. Thank you dear readers, friends, fellow modellers, for supporting this little initiative, for without you, without knowing that this blog was providing some benefit to you, it would really just be a personal list of 1:35 scale figure releases and reviews. A big thank you to the 374 (at time of writing) Facebook friends for putting up with the RSS posts to your News Feed, I hope you've not minded having to click twice to see the news story (if I simply posted the news to FB, this site's traffic would be down ;) ). And an equally big thank you to the Google Followers, both the 40 public followers and the unknown number of anonymous followers. And, last but certainly not least, a big thank you to the random, the occasional and the lurking visitors: you are naturally always welcome.
I've one or two ideas, both structural and content, I'm toying with for the blog, but until I've thought them through fully I'll keep these to myself, after all the blog works well as is. :)
Once again, a very big thank you for your support over the past year.
Happy Modelling!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
F135 Turns One Year Old!

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